Only a mysterious God would ask us to know him as the God who is who he is.
We weren’t meant to understand everything about him, as evidenced by the fact that we simply can’t!
We worship a God of mystery, yet a God who is closer than our very breath. Yahweh is a paradox, one we will never reach the end of when it comes to our understanding of him. There is simply too much of him to know fully in one lifetime!
But we can always seek more.
That should be our daily goal — to move one step closer to knowing the God who is. The richness and fullness of perfect love await anyone seeking to know the one who would do anything to have us.
And that is worth the pursuit.
• Crafted From finest craftsmen with love and passion.
• 100% hypoallergenic (no green skin or rashes!).
• Material: All products are cast on a sheet of industrial grade Steel and then the polish is applied by the process of electroplating which gives it a lifelong shine.
• Chain length: 35cm